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詹士運動休閒用品公司成立於民國61年,草創初期設在中山北路美軍顧問團大門口的隔壁,向當時樂馬飯店租下一樓且不到2坪的小店面,銷售運動鞋、運動服等商品。 只有夫妻兩人白天勤奮賣商品,打烊後晚上認真跑工廠找商品。從初期虧損到盈餘進而擴展三家店面,奠定了今日在民族東路8號的本店,從而開展了詹士的事業。 民國68年,本店所生產的明星鋁棒,贈送一批給來台灣的關島青少棒聯盟主席“卡弗爾”,頃代表關島地區青少棒及少棒冠軍隊作為關島隊集訓之器材用具,一時傳為佳話!同年7月嘉義市朴子少棒隊在全國選拔賽中榮獲冠軍,代表中華民國參加遠東區少棒選拔賽,本店也致贈鋁棒一批。 民國70年,詹士運動用品聞名中外,舉凡每年來台之威廉瓊斯盃籃球隊、田徑邀請賽、中澳足球賽、中美青年籃球錦標賽…等之各國代表隊球員,均慕名而來採購,國內青年更是遠從各縣市爭相前來購買。且民國70年間,威廉瓊斯盃荷蘭代表隊來台參加比賽,以詹士籃球隊之名得獎,同年新加坡李光耀夫人也蒞臨本公司門市部參觀。在當時常常有各國友邦的參眾議員、政府官員到門市部選購運動休閒商品要帶回去餽贈親朋好友。 手提袋.袋子.背包.腰包.衣服.背心.圍裙.工作服外套.帽子.泳衣褲等團體類用品製作.工廠直營及體育用品類門市零售. 經銷品牌: NiKE.AdidAs.PUMA.FiLA.JAN Sport.Mizno.newbalance.converse.GonnA.poLo.wiLson.KAWA SAKi.Kswiss.DiADORA.pierre cardin
PRO SPORT PUB 您是否忙於白日的庸庸碌碌? 您是否依然在尋找生命裡那塊悠閒的小天地 ? 位於新竹市忠孝路段的『Pro Sport Pub』,結合了運動餐廳與Lounge Bar的雙重特色,讓推開大門的瞬間立即感受到慵懶自在的氣氛,這裡不但有舒適的沙發、寬敞的環境、輕鬆的音樂,還有店家與您之間的自在互動,就彷彿似曾相似的老朋友般,徹夜與您傾心。 『Pro Sport Pub』主打著小酌談天的風格,除了有專業的BARTENDER在吧台前調出一杯杯新穎亮麗,經典創意的絢爛酒品外,更有嚴選鮮釀的德式啤酒,琥珀色的金黃,散發著麥子清新的香味,入口的順暢,喝起來回甘溫順,更得到不少酒友們的愛戴呢! 而搭配著店家提供的美式小點:原味脆薯、雞米花、德式香腸拼盤等…… 讓您吃得ㄙㄨㄚˋ嘴,聊得也盡興。 無論您是獨自一人,或是三五好友歡聚;在這裡,店家不定時舉辦標局聚會,而每周四晚上的手足球之夜,瞧專業級雙手轉著球杆不停歇,每次的進球宛如施展炫技般地秒殺對手,絕對是讓您大呼過癮,暫時將公事上拋諸腦後,盡情享受! 在『Pro Sport Pub』,您將能體會--越夜---越美麗! *小叮嚀:未成年請勿飲酒。
Morningstar, Inc. is a leading provider of independent investment research in North America, Europe, Australia, and Asia. We offer an extensive line of Internet, software, and print-based products and services for individuals, financial advisers, and institutions. Morningstar provides data on approximately 350,000 investment offerings, including stocks, mutual funds, and similar vehicles, along with real-time global market data on more than 4 million equities, indexes, futures, options, commodities, and precious metals, in addition to foreign exchange and Treasury markets. We have operations in 20 countries and minority ownership positions in companies based in two other countries. Morningstar Asia was established in Hong Kong in 2000 and launched its investing Web site in September of that year. Soon after, Morningstar Asia launched Web sites in China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Malaysia, and Singapore. The Web sites offer access to and objective information about investment funds available to individual investors. The sites also provide independent editorial content produced by Morningstar analysts and journalists based in Asia and around the world. In addition to the investing sites, Morningstar Asia offers a range of innovative products and services to advisers and institutions, including Morningstar® Adviser Workstation™, a comprehensive, Web-based investment planning system; Morningstar Direct™, a Web-based institutional platform providing access to Morningstar’s global databases and investment research; and Morningstar® Licensed Tools and Content, delivering online and dynamic tools and content for investment analysis and tracking.
1994 DEFEND-LOCK 公司於中歐之捷克成立、主要產品以傳統家用防盜掛鎖、汽車方向盤鎖、U型排檔鎖等防盜鎖為主。 1995 DEFEND-LOCK 品牌防盜鎖銷售創佳績,獲得多項產品安全認證。同時,於年底成立DEFEND-LOCK斯洛伐克分公司。 1996 成立DEFEND-LOCK布拉格分公司並加入電子防盜系統銷售。同時,開始外銷東歐及西歐市場。 成功研發、銷售第一代隱藏式防盜鎖,廣受消費者肯定並獲德國TUV安全認證。 1997 成立DEFEND-LOCK匈牙利分公司及廣告公司,並於年底成功研發、銷售第二代隱藏式防盜鎖。 1998 成立DEFEND-LOCK俄羅斯分公司及汽車融資公司,第二代隱藏式防盜鎖通過各大車廠及產險公司認證。 1999 DEFEND-LOCK 英國公司成立並同時成立捷克DEFEND MOTOR SPORT賽車協會。 成立DEFEND-LOCK莫斯科分公司並成功研發、銷售第三代隱藏式防盜鎖。 2003 DEFEND-LOCK 台灣公司成立於高雄,同時波蘭分公司於年底成立。 台灣地區DEFEND-LOCK之所以能成為TOYOTA之配合廠商,其成功之原因為公司注重產品品質控管,特別重視客戶服務與產品形象,未來力巨人會更努力向下紮根,期盼能帶給客戶更有效更便利的防盜配備。
We are a reputable manufacturer with over 20 years experience in making variety of bags; luggage and massagers. Our factory located in Dong Guan, China with over 350 workers and occupying 40,000 square meters of land. All accessories and raw materials come from Tai wan and Taiwanese factory in China in order to meet up middle to high quality level. Our products covering all kind of bags; trolley cases and suitcases in different materials and size, such as: beauty cases; camera bags; cosmetic bags; sport bags and EVA travel cases etc.
Emphasis on Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Singapore and Malaysia, Asia Talents Consultants, a premier provider of executive search solutions, was founded to build a powerful linkage with its clients and devise solutions to make good ‘People’ decisions. Our mission is strengthened to enhance corporate performance with our core values that we insist. Asia Talents believe in one’s integrity, loyalty and gratitude and give prominence to our clients.
Original Design, Total Branding Solution Cerebrum Design is the “ innovative one-stop ” design branding consultancy firm. We understand that a strong brand foundation is essential for brand success and that innovation is a key driver for business growth. We comprehend our creativity with the logical sense of marketability and commercial viability, while Managing brand image consistency through out the process. We are experience creators, bridging consumer’s aspirations with the core values of brands today. Cerebrum Design is one of the most established design consultancy in Taiwan and Thailand, and the business footprint extends to Sweden, India, Cambodia, France, Singapore, China / Hong Kong, and Japan. With these project experience, Cerebrum Design develops extensive creative insights about consumer trends and design trends in the global market. Cerebrum Design always been referred on exploring Asian insights and at the same time, assisted Asian brands and manufacturers to develop creative products as well as a distinctive brand identity for the global market.
Ernst Rudolf Erni founded the company in Switzerland in 1947. In 1956, ERNI began manufacturing electromechanical components in Adelberg, Germany. In 1968, ERNI Electronics GmbH became the world’s first manufacturer of backplane connectors that complied with the new standard DIN 41612. The new standard DIN 41612 has evolved into the most widely accepted standard for industrial printed-circuit board connectors in the world. Today, ERNI is the leading supplier of 2mm HM connectors and HM-ZD high-speed connectors. ERNI has established its Asian headquarter in Singapore since 1996 and opened up sales offices in major cities like Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, Taipei, Seoul and Bangalore. 1999 - Set up Taiwan Representative Office 2000 - Set up Korea Representative Office 2001 - ERNI started third party manufacturing in China & Taiwan 2002 - Set up Shenzhen Representative Office 2003 - Set up Shanghai Representative Office 2004 - Set up Beijing & Japan Representative Office; Increase design in capabilities & capacities 2007 - Set up India Representative Office 2009 - Set up Thailand Representative Office
1.提供仲介合法合格之救生員及教練維護社區之水上安全 2.配合教育部游泳能力檢測推廣游泳教學 3.水質保養維護及協助機房操作及維修服務
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